Spitting Image

3035 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 13 January - Ive never met a nice South African - no that's a lie

After today's twitter harassment from Yusuf Kajee of Afriag (AFRI) I was rather reminded of the Spitting Image classic below. But it's a lie. I had a good chat with Jan Nelson of Xtract (XTR) who is a nice South African and I offer a few thoughts on his company and explain why our podcast interview will be in a few days. The it is onto LGO Energy (TOAST) and Jabba The Hutt ramping, Stanley Gibbons (SGI), Premier Oil (PMO), Independent Oil & Gas (IOG) and the China frauds. I also mention the new vehicle of Andrew "piggy" Austin of IGAS Infamy which Nigel takes apart HERE. He is not a South African but should be.
